

"Todi is the best that man can wish for on the earth! The most liveable city". So declared in 1991 Richard Levine, an urban planner at Lexington University. Todi still retains its charm of ideal city. Before climbing the hill, where the medieval town stands, the 50-metre-high Marian Temple of the Consolation, a marvel of Renaissance art, welcomes visitors.

At the highest point of the hill, the church of the patron San Fortunato, shows its magnificence in the finely decorated Gothic portal. Inside, in the crypt, are the remains of the Todi friar Jacopone, rebel poet and contemporary of Dante. The beating heart of the medieval town is Piazza del Popolo, where the public buildings blend harmoniously with the 12th-century cathedral. From the nearby Piazza Garibaldi, which houses a giant cypress tree planted after Garibaldi’s arrival in Todi, you can admire the landscape of the valley, with the profile of the Monti Martani.